Symmetry-adapted phenomenological lattice-dynamical model for SWNTs

·         Atomic structure of the SWNTs  Symmetry-adapted phenomenological dynamical model for SWNTs

·         Phonon dispersion of SWNTsFrequencies of Γ-phonons of SWNTsEigenvectors of Γ-phonon of SWNTs

·         Elastic properties of isolated SWNTs

Phenomenological lattice-dynamical models for bundles of SWNTs and isolated MWNTs

·         Phenomenological dynamical model for bundles of SWNTs and isolated MWNTs

·         Breathing-like modes of finite and infinite bundles of SWNTs and isolated DWNTs

·         Elastic properties of bundles of SWNTs

·         Heat capacity of bundles of SWNTs and isolated MWNTs

The following dynamical models are used: force-constant model and valence force-field model for the intralayer interactions, and pair potentials for the interlayer interactions. The non-resonant Raman intensity is calculated using the bond-polarizability model.


Symmetry-adapted tight-binding approach to the optical properties of SWNTs

·         Relaxation of the structure of the SWNTs ●  Symmetry-adapted tight-binding model for SWNTsElectronic band structure of SWNTsDielectric function of SWNTsOptical transition energies of SWNTs (Kataura plot)

·         Symmetry-adapted tight-binding dynamical model for SWNTsPhonon dispersion of SWNTsKohn anomaly in the phonon dispersion of SWNTs and dynamical corrections

·         One-phonon resonant Raman scattering in SWNTs – full calculation and approximationsEffective massElectron-photon couplingElectron-phonon coupling

·         Resonant Raman intensity of the RBM – full calculationResonant Raman intensity of the RBM and A1 G modes – full calculation

·         Resonant Raman intensity of the RBM – approximationsResonant Raman intensity of the RBM and A1 G modes - approximations

·         Two-phonon resonant Raman scattering in SWNTs

Tight-binding approach to the optical properties of DWNTs

·         Modification of the electronic structure of DWNTs due to interlayer interactions

·         Shift of the G mode of DWNTs due to interlayer interactions

Tight-binding approach to the optical properties of SLG

·         Electronic band structure and phonon dispersion of SLGKohn anomaly in the phonon dispersion of SLG, dynamical corrections, and charge doping effects

·         One-phonon resonant Raman scattering in SLG, incl. effect of defectsOne-phonon resonant Raman scattering in SLG – effect of strain

·         Two-phonon resonant Raman scattering in SLGTwo-phonon resonant Raman scattering in SLG in the UV regionTwo-phonon resonant Raman scattering in SLG – effect of strain

·         Electronic band structure, phonon dispersion, and Raman bands of α-, β-, and γ-graphyne

·         Electronic band structure, phonon dispersion and two-phonon Raman bands of silicene

Tight-binding approach to the optical properties of BLG and FLG

·         Electronic band structure, phonon dispersion, and two-phonon resonant Raman scattering in BLG

·         Electronic band structure and G band of twisted BLG

·         Electronic band structure, phonon dispersion, breathing-like and shear modes of FLG

An ab-initio-based tight-binding model with no adjustable parameters is used for calculation of the electronic band structure, phonon dispersion, phonon dispersion, electronic broadening parameter, and electron-phonon and electron-photon couplings.






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©Valentin Popov, 03.03.2024