Fig. 1. (a) Electronic band structure close to the Fermi
energy, chosen as zero. The optical transition E22 is denoted by vertical arrows. (b) Phonon
dispersion in the extended zone representation. The pairs of close vertical
lines bracket the phonons for electron scattering between the two extrema of
the bands for the E22
transition. (c) Electronic broadening (solid line) in comparison with that
for graphene (dotted line).
The Raman scattering of light in carbon
nanotubes is usually observed under resonant conditions, i.e., the Raman
signal is enhanced for laser photon energies, close to an optical transition
of a nanotube [1,2]. The quantum-mechanical
description of the Raman scattering process can be done considering the
system of electrons, photons and phonons, and their interactions [3,4]. The resonant Raman intensity for Stokes processes is
derived in fourth-order quantum-mechanical perturbation theory Here, Calculations of the two-phonon Raman bands of
a number of SWNTs, using the expression above, have been reported recently
[7]. As an example for calculation of the two-phonon Raman bands of SWNTs we
consider nanotube (6,5) [8]. The translational unit
cell of this nanotube contains N = 182 two-atom
unit cells. The CPU for direct calculations of the intensity increases
rapidly with the increase of the number of atoms in the unit cell and the
calculations are prohibitively expensive even for the studied nanotube. In
order to make the calculations feasible, we use the chiral symmetry of the
nanotubes and reformulate the electronic and dynamical problems for two-atom
unit cells [1 – 8]. The electronic states of a nanotube are
labeled by the one-dimensional wavevector k
and the integer quantum number l. The
phonons are labeled by the one-dimensional wavevector q and the integer quantum number λ. The electron-phonon scattering processes obey selection
rules. Figure 1 shows the electronic band structure,
phonon dispersion, and electronic level broadening γ for
nanotube (6,5). Close to the optical transition E22, the main contribution
to the resonant Raman intensity comes from scattering of electrons, occupying
the bands in bold in Fig. 1(a), by phonons between the close vertical lines
in Fig. 1(b). These phonons give rise to various overtone and combination
bands, the most intense one being the 2D band (or 2TO) due to scattering by
in-plane transverse optical (TO) phonons. The two-phonon Raman spectrum of nanotube (6,5) for laser excitation EL = 2.35 eV is given in Fig. 2. Along with
the 2TO, 2LO, and TOLA bands, which are also observed in graphene, the
spectrum shows TOZA and TOZO bands. The latter are not observed in graphene,
because the coupling of electrons with out-of-plane acoustic (ZA) phonons and
out-of-plane optical (ZO) phonons is zero. However, the non-zero curvature of
the nanotubes makes this coupling non-zero and the corresponding combination
bands – observable [7]. Figure 3 shows the evolution of the 2D band
with laser excitation in the vicinity of transition E22. For EL ≈ E22, the 2D band has a
symmetric shape. With the increase of EL,
the 2D band widens and, at EL ≈ E22 + Eph,
where Eph
is the energy of the scattering phonon, the onset of a splitting of the band
into two subbands can be observed. With further increasing E22, the splitting of the
2D band increases resulting in a “Y”-shaped form of the peaks of
the subbands. The origin of the splitting will be discussed below. The
resonant Raman profile of the 2D band shows three peaks at E22, E22 + Eph, and E22 + 2Eph, the third one being
most intense (Fig. 3, right). The behavior of the 2D band with EL can be
explained with the scattering processes that have largest contribution. The
Raman intensity, given by the expression above, is resonantly enhanced for EL, for which one, two, or
all three In order to identify the contribution of
these resonances to the peaks of the resonant Raman profile (Fig. 3, right),
we consider the scattering processes, which contribute to these resonances.
We note that the Raman processes can be denoted as ee, hh, and eh, depending on the scattered particles – electrons (e) or holes (h) (Venezuela). In Fig. 4, the scattering processes, giving rise
to (a) single, (b) double, and (c) triple resonance are given. The single resonances give negligible
contribution to the 2D band of graphene. In nanotubes, if the electron
scattering takes place between the extrema of the conduction or valence
bands, due to the high electronic density of states there (Fig. 4(a)), the
single resonance has visible contribution to all three peaks at E22, E22 + Eph, and E22 + 2Eph of the resonant Raman
profile (Fig. 3, right). All ee, hh,
and eh scattering processes
contribute to the Raman intensity. The double resonance processes, initially
proposed by Thomsen, are due to ee
and hh
scattering processes (Fig. 4(b)). In nanotubes, these processes are most
effective if the final electron/hole state is close to the conduction or
valence extrema. These processes then contribute to the peak at E22 + 2Eph of the resonant Raman
profile (Fig. 3, right). The triple resonance processes, identified as
giving largest contribution the two-phonon Raman intensity of graphene by
Venezuela, are due to eh scattering
processes (Fig 4(c)). In nanotubes, these processes are most effective if the
final electron/hole state is close to the conduction or valence extrema.
Similarly to the double resonances, these processes contribute to the peak at
E22 + 2Eph of the resonant Raman
profile (Fig. 3, right). Finally, we discuss the
“Y”-shaped behavior of the Raman intensity (Fig. 3, left). The
single resonances arise from scattering of electrons and holes close to the
extrema of the conduction/valence bands. Therefore, the wavevector q0 of the scattering phonon
will be close to the separation between these extrema and the contribution of
the single resonances to the 2D band will be centered at 2ω(q0) (Fig. 4(d)). With the increase of the EL, double and triple resonances are “switched-on”.
The largest contribution of these resonances comes from scattering of
electrons/holes with final states close to the extrema of the conduction or
valence bands. However, the initial electron/hole states will be away from
these extrema. Consequently, the wavevectors of the scattering phonons, q1 and q2, will be less or larger than q0. The two resulting subbands of the 2D band will be
centered at 2ω1 and
2ω2 (Fig. 4(d)),
wherefrom the “Y” shape of the Raman intensity appears (Fig. 3,
left). References: 1. V. N. Popov, New J. Phys. 6 (2004) 17. 2. V. N. Popov and L. Henrard, Phys. Rev. B 70 (2004) 115407. 3. V. N. Popov, L. Henrard, and Ph. Lambin, Nano Letters 4 (2004) 1795-1799. 4. V. N. Popov, L. Henrard, and Ph. Lambin, Phys. Rev. B 72 (2005) 035436. 5. V. N. Popov and Ph. Lambin, Phys. Rev. B 73 (2006) 165425. 6. V. N.
Popov and Ph. Lambin, Phys. Rev. B 74 (2006)
075415. 7. Ch. Tyborski et al.,
Phys. Rev. B 97 (2018) 214306. 8. V. N.
Popov, Phys. Rev. B 98 (2018) 085413. |
Fig. 2. Resonant
two-phonon Raman spectrum at EL
= 2.35 eV. |
Fig. 3. Left panel: Evolution of the 2D band with laser excitation.
Right panel: resonant Raman profile of the 2D band. |
Fig. 4. |
Valentin Popov
June 28, 2018