The Science Team - Current Research Topics

Liquid interfaces in electric field
Experimental examination of the mechanical oscillations of droplets and bubbles, with low Bond numbers, excited by ac electric field. New techniques and experimental equipment for precise measurements of the dynamic surface tension has been developed. Based on optical detection and analysis of resonant spectra, this study aimed at examination of the dynamical properties of the interface liquid-gas as well as the rheological properties like viscosity. The processes of evaporation and the dependence of the interface properties on gas pressure and molecules or particles adsorption are examined under the influence of electric field, mechanical oscillations and temperature changes.
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Electroacoustic examination of electrolytes
Experimental technique for studying dynamics of building the electrical double layer at the interface electrolyte-dielectric has been edeveloped. The influence of external electric field is studied, aimed at obtaining information about the structure and properties of the solvent and of the charged particles (ions, macromolecules etc.) The theoretical approach is based on computer simulations of the transient processes by numerical solving the transport equations and the Poisson equation.
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