SciTeam - Awards
SciTeam won the third prize for the best poster presentation
in the annual student conference "VII-th National Student Conference on Physics, 30 November - 1 December 2018, Plovdiv": LINK
Detailed description
SciTeam won the third prize with the project "UP!"
in the annual competition "Изобретателски маратон във ФзФ - May 2018".
HAL-SciTeam won the first prize in the annual competition "Конкурс: Прибори за лабораторията - 2018". with their advanced, Arduino based, experimental setup: "Mатематично махало с автоматизирано измерване на период и оценка на затихване. Построяване на Гаусово разпределение."
SciTeam won the second prize with the "Smart Pendulum Project"
in the annual competition "Instruments for the Physics Cabinet - June 2017".
Detailed description
More info about this and the other SciTeam projects can be found here.
SciTeam won the third prize with the "Pictet Experiment - Optical trap for cold"
in the annual competition "Instruments for the Physics Cabinet - June 2017".
Detailed description
Article in AZBUKI newspaper can be red here.
More info about this and the other SciTeam projects can be found here.
"SciTeam - High School" won the third prize in its section with the "Water Power Plant"
in the annual competition "Instruments for the Physics Cabinet - June 2017".
Detailed description
A functioning hydroelectric power plant (HPP) powering a large number of LEDs or other consumers made from recycled materials and old computer components. The project is suitable for studying the law of energy conservation and its transformation, as well as for determining the interference of the friction forces caused by various factors.
Videos and more information about this project can be found here.
SciTeam won the third prize with the project "BLINK"
in the annual competition "Изобретателски маратон във ФзФ - May 2017".
Detailed description
We created a device based on detecting the human eye in the infrared range to signal the driver's sound signal that he is falling asleep.
Videos and Television reports about
Other Media
SciTeam won the First prize for the best plenary talk
in the annual student conference "V-th National Student Conference on Physics - November 2016, Plovdiv": LINK
Detailed description
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