Nikolay Zografov - Articles list
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Articles in conference proceedings:
  1. Nikolay N. Zografov, Rasim E. Bekir, Gergana M. Mihova, Iglika M. Dimitrova, Andreana I. Andreeva; Constrained droplet eigenfrequency approach in nanodroplets research.; International Conference of Quantum, Nonlinear and Nanophotonics’2019 (ICQNN’2019); Proceedings of SPIE (2019), DOI:10.1117/12.2552186

  2. M. Tanovska, M. Rahmani, N. Zografov, L.Vladimirova-Mihaleva, D. Neshev; Ellipsometric Study of Ferritin Clusters Adsorbed on Metasurface and Influenced by UV Irradiation.; 2019 Thirteenth International Congress on Artificial Materials for Novel Wave Phenomena (Metamaterials) IEEE (2019), DOI:10.1109/MetaMaterials.2019.8900873

  3. Nikolay Zografov; Resonant Droplet Tensiometry Driven by an Electric Field.; AIP Conference Proceedings 2075, 160016 (2019), DOI:10.1063/1.5091343

  4. Andreana Andreeva, Nikolay Zografov; Oscillation Mode and Resonant Frequencies of Spherical Pendant Droplets.; AIP Conference Proceedings 2075, 160015 (2019), DOI:10.1063/1.5091342

  5. Nikolay Zografov, Nikolay Tankovsky; Resonant oscillations of pendant hemispherical liquid droplet as a means to examine transient processes in the liquid-air interface.; 1st Int. Workshop on Wetting and evaporation: droplets of pure and complex fluids Marseilles, Aix-Marseille University, France, June 17th to 20th, Edited by David Brutin and David Fairhurst, (2013), p.267-268, ISBN: 978-2-7466-6420-3

  6. Zografov N., Tankovsky N., Vankov M.; Excitation, detection and analysis of low-frequency electroacoustic signals in electrolytes; AIP Conference Proceedings, American Institute of Physics, (2010), vol 1203 p.1114-1118, doi:10.1063/1.3322322

  7. N. Zografov, N. Tankovsky, M. Vankov, V. Savov; Detection and analysis of low-frequency electroacoustic signals for examination of electrolytic solutions; Meetings in Physics at University of Sofia, Heron Press, Sofia, (2007), vol. 8, Edited by A. Proykova
Articles in scientific journals:
  1. Alexander V. Pimpas, Gergana M. Mihova, Andreana I. Andreeva, Nikolay N. Zografov; Trapping Radiant Cold Via Mirrors.; Journal of Physics and Technology; (2018), vol1, Number 2, p.65-69, ISSN 2535-0536

  2. Bela M. Lilova, Denitsa K. Georgieva, Valentin O. Deliyski, Nikolay Zografov; Smart Pendulum.; Journal of Physics and Technology; (2018), vol1, Number 2, p.28-31, ISSN 2535-0536

  3. Alexander Pimpas, Pavlin Tsonev, Andreana Andreeva, Nikolay Zografov; An Affordable Stroboscopic Imaging Technique For Studying Liquid Droplet Shape Oscillations.; Journal of Physics and Technology; (2017), vol1, p.75-80, ISSN 2535-0536

  4. Pavlova, E.L., Zografov, N.N., Simeonova, L.S.; Comparative study on the antioxidant capacities of synthetic influenza inhibitors and ellagic acid in model systems.; Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy; (2016), 83, p.755-762, doi:10.1016/j.biopha.2016.07.046

  5. N. Tankovsky, N. Zografov; Evaporation-rate dynamics of a hemispherical, pendant liquid droplet, influenced by resonant oscillations.; Colloids and Interface Science Communications; (2016), 12, p.5-8, doi:10.1016/j.colcom.2016.04.004

  6. N. Tankovsky, N. Zografov, A. Andreeva; Gas-adsorption dynamics at the water–air interface, revealed by resonant droplet tensiometry.; Chemical Engineering Science;, (2016), 144, p.283-287, doi:10.1016/j.ces.2016.01.047

  7. N. Zografov, N. Tankovsky, A. Andreeva; Droplet oscillations driven by an electric field.; Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Eng. Aspects; (2014), 460, p.351-354, doi:10.1016/j.colsurfa.2013.12.013

  8. N. Zografov, N. Tankovsky; Examination of the liquid-air interface properties by oscillating pendant droplet under electric field influence technique – a Q-factor approach.; Годишник на СУ ФзФ; (2013), 107, p.103-112

  9. N. Tankovsky, N. Zografov, S. Russev; Electrically Driven Resonant Oscillations of Pendant Hemispherical Liquid Droplet and Possibility to Evaluate the Surface Tension in Real Time; Zeitschrift fur Physikalische Chemie; (2013), 227, 12, p.1759-1766, doi:10.1524/zpch.2013.0420

  10. N. Tankovsky, N. Zografov, L. Vladimirova; Examination of the interface electrolyte-air by detection and analysis of the oscillations of a pendant drop, driven by electric field.; Balkan Physics Letters, (2012), 20, p.127-132

  11. Nikolay S. Tankovsky, Evgeny D. Syrakov, Nikolay N. Zografov; Transient ion dynamics in electrolytic cells - general approach and numerical, nonlinear analysis; Recent Patents on catalysis; Bentham Science Publishers: Recent Patents on Catalysis, (2012), vol-1, issue-2, p.107-118, doi:10.2174/2211548X11201020107

  12. Tankovsky N., Zografov N.; Oscillations of a hanging liquid drop, driven by interfacial dielectric force; Zeitschrift fur Physikalische Chemie, (2011); 225, 4, p.405-411, doi:10.1524/zpch.2011.0074
Scientific conferences
  1. Gergana Mihova, Andreana Andreeva, Nikolay Zografov; Poster: DROPLET EVAPORATION, INFLUENCED BY RESONANT OSCILLATIONS DRIVEN BY AN ELECTRIC FIELD; "VIII National Student Scientific Conference on Physics and Engineering Technologies", 30 Oct - 01. Nov Plovdiv (2019)

  2. Rasim Bekir, Iglika Dimitrova, Nikolay Zografov; Poster: RECURRENCE RELATION METHOD FOR EIGENFREQUENCY CALCULATION OF A SUPPORTED DROPLET; "VIII National Student Scientific Conference on Physics and Engineering Technologies", 30 Oct - 01. Nov Plovdiv (2019)

  3. Nikolay Zografov, Rasim Bekir, Stanislav Ivanov, Iglika Dimitrova; Poster: Study of resonant droplets and their application in tensiometry; "Tenth Jubilee National Conference on Chemistry", 26 - 28. Sept Sofia (2019)

  4. M. Tanovska, M. Rahmani, N. Zografov, L. Vladimirova-Mihaleva, D. Neshev; Poster: Ellipsometric Study of Ferritin Clusters Adsorbed on Metasurface and Influenced by UV Irradiation; "13th International Congress on Artificial Materials for Novel Wave Phenomena – Metamaterials 2019", 16 - 21. Sept Rome, Italy (2019)

  5. Nikolay N. Zografov, Rasim E. Bekir, Gergana M. Mihova, Iglika M. Dimitrova, Andreana I. Andreeva; Poster: Constrained droplet eigenfrequency approach in nanodroplets research; "International Conference of Quantum, Nonlinear and Nanophotonics’2019 (ICQNN’2019) and Symposium on Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologies (SNN’2019)", 2 - 5. Sept Sofia (2019)

  6. Stanislav Ivanov, Rasim Bekir, Iglika Dimitrova, Andreana Andreeva, Nikolay Zografov; Poster: Eigenfrequencies Calculation of a Constrained Spherical Droplet.; "8th International Conference Bubble & Drop", 24 - 29. June Sofia (2019)

  7. Nikolay Zografov, Andreana Andreeva; Talk: Resonant Droplet Tensiometry Driven by an Electric Field; 10th Jubilee Conference of the Balkan Physical Union (BPU10) (2018)

  8. Anreana Andreeva, Alexander Pimpas, Gergana Mihova, Nikolay Zografov; Poster: Oscillation Modes and resonant Frequencies of Spherical Pendant Droplets.; 10th Jubilee Conference of the Balkan Physical Union (BPU10) (2018)

  9. Stanislav Ivanov, Rasim Bekir, Iglika Dimitrova, Nikolay Zografov; Poster: NATURAL FREQUENCY CALCULATION OF A CONSTRAINED SPHERICAL DROPLET; National Student Conference on Physics, 30 Nov - 01. Dec Plovdiv (2018)

  10. Rasim Bekir, Stanislav Ivanov, Iglika Dimitrova, Andreana Andreeva, Nikolay Zografov; Poster: Numerical calculation of hemispherical droplet eigenfrequency; National Student Conference on Physics, 30 Nov - 01. Dec Plovdiv (2018)

  11. N. Zografov, N. Tankovsky, A. Andreeva; Poster: Vapour pressure and interface adsorption registered in real time by a resonant hemispherical droplet method.; 5th International Colloids Conference. Colloid and Interface Sciences for a Brighter Future , Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 21-24 June 2015 (2015)

  12. N. Zografov, A. Andreeva; Talk: Resonant modes of an oscillating droplet in an electric field.; HEPTech Symposium 2015, Prague, Czech Republic., May 31 - June 6 2015 (2015)

  13. N. Zografov, N. Tankovsky, A. Andreeva; Poster: Droplet oscillations driven by electric field for studying rheological and interface properties of liquids; 27th Conference of the European Colloid and Interface Society , Sofia, Bulgaria, 1-6 September 2013 (2013)

  14. N. Tankovsky, N. Zografov; Talk: Resonance frequency of an oscillating drop in an electric field; Workshop "Dynamic Liquid Interfacial Layers" – COST CM1101, Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, Potsdam-Golm, Germany, 2013 (2013)

  15. N. Zografov, N. Tankovsky; Poster: Resonant oscillations of pendant hemispherical liquid droplet as a means to examine transient processes in the liquid-air interface; 1st Int. Workshop on Wetting and evaporation: droplets of pure and complex fluids, Marseilles, France, 17-20 June 2013 (2013)

  16. N. Tankovsky, N. Zografov, L. Vladimirova; Poster: Examination of the interface electrolyte-air by detection and analysis of the oscillations of a pendant drop, driven by external electric field; Turkish Physical Society, 27-th International Physics Congress, Istanbul, Istanbul 2010 (2010)

  17. N. Tankovsky, N. Zografov; Poster: Experimental examination of the electric field influence upon the interface electrolyte-air; Electrochemistry 2010, From microscopic understanding to global impact, Ruhr-Universitat, Bochum, Germany, 13-15 September 2010 (2010)

  18. Zografov N., Tankovsky N., Vankov M.; Poster: Excitation, Detection and Analysis of Low-Frequency Electroacoustic Signals in Electrolytes; 7th International Conference of the Balkan Physical Union , Alexandroupolis; Greece 2009 (2009)

  19. N. Zografov, N. Tankovsky, M. Vankov, V. Savov; Talk: Detection and analysis of low-frequency electroacoustic signals for examination of electrolytic solutions; Meetings in Physics at University of Sofia, summer 2007 (2007)
Articles in Bulgarian language
  1. Кирова, М., Е. Бояджиева, Н. Зографов, Л. Костова, С. Цветанов, М. Павлова; Компютърните обучаващи програми като средство за реализиране на образователните стандарти.; 40-та Национална конференция на учителите по химия, "Държавните образователни изисквания по химия"., редактор/и: В: Боянова Л., И. Иванов, Ст. Манев , издателство: Унив. изд. "Св. Климент Охридски" ISBN 954-07-2151-2, (2005), p.149-153.

  2. Nikolay Zografov, Liliya Kostova, Milena Kirova, Elena Boyadjieva, Mitka Pavlova; "Electrolyte solutions" and "Redox reactions" Software for chemistry education in 10th grade.; BALKAN SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE XXI CENTURY – THE BALKANS – SCIENCE AND EDUCATION, ISBN 954-9634-16-7, Publisher: Дъга-ВК, Кърджали, (2002), p.417-420.