Department of Condensed Matter Physics and Microelectronics,    Faculty of Physics    Sofia University,    Bulgaria







Field: Electronic and optical properties of semiconductor materials and nanostructures (optical, photoelectrical and electrical studies, computer simulations)


·      Surface photovoltage and photoconductivity spectroscopy of:  

o  Perovskites and perovskites/Si structures

o   GaSb micro-islands grown by thermal evaporation on Si substrates with Ag nano-dots acting as catalysts.

o  Nanostructures (quantum wellssuperlatticesquantum wiresquantum dotsfor optoelectronic applications (emittersIR detectors);

o  Dilute nitride structures (GaAsN/GaAsInGaAsN/GaAsGaAsSbN/GaAsfor multi-junction solar cells

·      Calculations of the reflectivity and transmission spectra of multi-layers with rough interfaces.


Nanostructures and Photovoltaics Group

Solid-State Materials and Nanostructures Group


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Research stays abroad:



10.2021, 06.2024

Visiting professor in the Group of Electrical Engineering (GeePs),  CentraleSupelec, University  Paris Saclay, France. Surface photovoltage studies of perovskite/Si structures.



06  - 07.2008    

Visiting Scientist in the Department of Condensed Matter Physics, Institute of Physics, "Gleb Wataghin" - UNICAMP, Campinas, Brazil, in the team of Prof. Fernando Iikawa (FAPESP fellowship) Optical studies of InP/GaAs multi-layer quantum dots.





Visiting Scientist in Dept. of Physics and Measurement Technology, Linköping University, in the team of Prof. Per-Olof Holtz (STINT fellowship). Optical studies of InAs quantum dots.




05 - 07.2002   

Chair for Semiconductor Physics, Institute for Technical Physics I, University of Erlangen, in the team of Prof. Dr. Gottfried Döhler (DAAD fellowship). Electrical properties of low-temperature grown GaAs.




04 - 06.2001   

Associated researcher in the Laboratory of Disordered and Heterogeneous Materials, University Paris 6, in the team of Prof. J.C. Bourgoin. Electron transport in irradiated Quantum well IR Photodetectors.





School of Physics and Astronomy, University of St.Andrews, in the team of Prof. Alan Miller. (Royal Society/NATO post-doctoral fellowship) Reflectivity of GaAs/AlAs multiple quantum wells with oxidised barriers.





Institute of Micro- and Optoelectronics, EPFL, Switzerland, in the team of Prof. F.K. Reinhart (Swiss government fellowships). PL and PLE of GaAs/AlAs quantum wells and quantum wires.


01 - 06.1992


Group of Solid State Physics, University Paris 7,  in the team of Prof. J.C. Bourgoin.). (French government fellowship). Studies of DX-centers in AlGaAs and the band-offset of GaAs/GaInP heterojunctions