Department of
Condensed Matter Physics and Microelectronics, Faculty of Physics, Sofia
University, Bulgaria
Field: Electronic
and optical properties of semiconductor materials and nanostructures (optical,
photoelectrical and electrical studies, computer simulations)
· Surface
photovoltage and photoconductivity
spectroscopy of:
o Perovskites
and perovskites/Si structures
o GaSb micro-islands
grown by thermal evaporation on Si substrates with Ag nano-dots acting as
o Nanostructures (quantum wells, superlattices, quantum wires, quantum dots) for optoelectronic applications (emitters, IR detectors);
o Dilute nitride structures (GaAsN/GaAs, InGaAsN/GaAs, GaAsSbN/GaAs) for multi-junction
solar cells
· Calculations of
the reflectivity and transmission spectra of multi-layers with rough
Solid-State Materials
and Nanostructures Group |
Research stays abroad:
10.2021, 06.2024 |
Visiting professor in the Group of Electrical Engineering (GeePs),
CentraleSupelec, University Paris Saclay,
France. Surface photovoltage studies of
perovskite/Si structures. |
06 - 07.2008 |
Visiting Scientist
in the Department of Condensed Matter Physics, Institute of Physics,
"Gleb Wataghin" - UNICAMP, Campinas,
Brazil, in the team of Prof. Fernando Iikawa
(FAPESP fellowship) Optical studies of InP/GaAs multi-layer quantum dots. |
11.2002-11.2003 |
Visiting Scientist
in Dept. of Physics and Measurement Technology, Linköping University, in the
team of Prof. Per-Olof Holtz (STINT fellowship). Optical studies of InAs
quantum dots. |
05 - 07.2002 |
Chair for
Semiconductor Physics, Institute for Technical Physics I, University of
Erlangen, in the team of Prof. Dr. Gottfried Döhler
(DAAD fellowship). Electrical properties of low-temperature
grown GaAs. |
04 - 06.2001 |
researcher in the Laboratory of Disordered and Heterogeneous Materials,
University Paris 6, in the team of Prof. J.C. Bourgoin. Electron transport
in irradiated Quantum well IR Photodetectors. |
11.1997-11.1998 |
School of
Physics and Astronomy, University of St.Andrews,
in the team of Prof. Alan Miller. (Royal Society/NATO post-doctoral
fellowship) Reflectivity of GaAs/AlAs multiple quantum wells with oxidised
barriers. |
10.1992-07.1993 |
Institute of Micro-
and Optoelectronics, EPFL, Switzerland, in the team of Prof. F.K. Reinhart
(Swiss government fellowships). PL and PLE of GaAs/AlAs quantum wells and
quantum wires. |
01 - 06.1992 |
Group of Solid
State Physics, University Paris 7, in the team
of Prof. J.C. Bourgoin.). (French government fellowship). Studies of
DX-centers in AlGaAs and the band-offset of GaAs/GaInP
heterojunctions |