Department of
Condensed Matter Physics and Microelectronics, Faculty of Physics, Sofia University, Bulgaria
Vesselin T. Donchev
Participation in research contracts
with the Bulgarian National Science Fund, Ministry of Education
with the Sofia
University Scientific Research Fund
1988-1991 Contract No. 258/
of the physical properties of impurities and defects in semiconductor materials
and structures”
Assoc. Porf. Dr. K.Germanova
1994-1997 Contract No. Ф448
structure and optical properties of GaAs quantum wells embedded in AlAs/GaAs
leader: Assoc. Porf. Dr. K.Germanova
2000-2001 Contract No. МУ-Ф-01
”Calculation of
the electron and phonon states in AlAs/GaAs superlattices with embedded GaAs
quantum wells”
leader: N. Shtinkov
2000-2005 Contract No. Ф1002/00/
"Electronic and optical properties of GaAs quantum wells embedded in AlAs/GaAs
superlattices with graded interfaces"
leader: Assoc. Porf. Dr. K.Germanova
2003-2004 Contract No. МУФ 1302/
of the electronic states of V-shaped quantum wires by means of numerical,
photoelectrical and optical experiments.”
leader: M.Saraydarov
2004 - 2007 Contract No. У-Ф-08/04 /
Photovolatge Spectroscopy of Semiconductor materials and structures”
leader: Assoc. Porf. Dr. K.Germanova
2005-2007 - Contract No. МУФ01/05
structure of GaAs/AlGaAs quantum wires with
graded interfaces ”
leader: Dr. M.Saraydarov (participation as a consultant)
2006-2009 Contract No. Д01-463/12.07.06 ,
”Multilayered structures and nanocomposite
materials for electronics applications”
leader: assoc. Prof. Dr. D.Nesheva
module of the Faculty of Physics,
”Characterisation of
multilayered nanostructures and composite nanomaterials by means of optical and
electrical methods”
leader: assoc. Prof. Dr. V.Donchev
2006-2009 Contract No. ВУ-Ф-203/06 ,
and study of solid state and organic thin films for sensor functions.”
leader: assoc. Prof. Dr. V. Strashilov
2007-2010. Contract No.
D01-1191/17.12.07 (NTK-X-1714/07)
and investigation of single crystals of magnesium sulfite hexahydrate (pure and
doped with nickel and cobalt)”
leader: assoc. Prof. Dr. Ilia Iliev
2008-2010 Contract
No. No. ДО 02-56/10.12.2008
Submicron machining
and analysis of materials and structures using scanning electron microscopy
combined with focused ion beam.
leader: assoc. Prof. Dr. Stoyan
2008-2010 Contract
No. D002-25/03.12.2008
and properties of InN, nitrides (InGaN, InAlN) and heterostruictures
leader: assoc. Prof. Dr. Evgenia
2016-2019 Contract No. ДКОСТ 01/16
Materials for next generation solar cells
leader: assoc. Prof. Dr. V.Donchev
2019- Grant
agreement D01-214/2018
National Research Program
E+: Low Carbon Energy for the Transport and Households . Component 1: Storage and conversion of renewable energy,
WP 1.4 Other methods for
conversion and storage of renewable energy. Task 1.4.1: New materials, technologies and
systems for solar energy conversion; Subtask Innovative solar cells based on new dilute
nitride materials
Subtask leader: assoc. Prof. Dr. V.Donchev
2022-2023 Contract № КП-06-Рила/10 /16.12.2021г.
Perovskite materials and structures for
photovoltaics (PERMAVOLT)- in frames of the French-Bulgarian collaboration program RILA 2021
leader: assoc.
Prof. Vesselin Donchev
* * * top
2000- 2001 Contract Nо. 399/
of the mechanisms of the radiative recombination in GaAs quantum wells embedded
in AlAs/GaAs superlattices”
leader: Assist.Prof. Dr. V.Donchev
2001- 2002
Contract Nо. 373 /
of diffused GaAs/AlGaAs quantum
wells with equidistant energy levels”
leader: Assist.Prof. Dr. V.Donchev
2002- 2003
.Contract Nо. 629/
“Investigation of the longitudinal photoconductivity of crescent-shaped GaAs/AlGaAs quantum
leader: Assist.Prof. Dr. V.Donchev
Contract Nо. 59/06
„Study of nanostructures with graded interfaces”
leader: Assoc.Prof. Dr. V.Donchev
2007-2008 . contract No. 016/2007.
“Оptical properties of nanocomposites based on quantum dots in sol-gel matrixes
for optoelectronic applications”
Assoc.Prof. Dr. E. Valcheva
2008-2009 Contract
No. 40/2008.
“Characterization of
InP/GaAs quantum dots by means of surface
photovoltage spectroscopy”
leader: Assoc.Prof. Dr. V.Donchev
2010 - 2011 Contract No 149/2010
“ Investigation of the optical properties of multi-layer InAs/InP quantum wires by means of surface
photovoltage spectroscopy”
leader: Assoc.Prof. Dr. V.Donchev
2011-2012 Contract No 38/2011
“Investigation of the optical properties of multi-layers containing quantum dots-in-well
structures (InAs/InGaAs/GaAs) for infra-red photodetectors
leader: assist. prof. Tsvetan Ivanov
2015 Contract No
“Advanced materials based on A3B5 dilute
nitrides for next generation solar cells”
leader: Assoc.Prof. Dr. V.Donchev
2016 Contract No
“Investigations of
A3B5 dilute nitrides for next generation
solar cells”
leader: Assoc.
Prof. Dr. V.Donchev
2024 Contract 80-10-159/17.04.2024
Investigation of GaSb micro-dots on Si substrates
leader: Assoc. Prof. Kiril Kirilov
Sofia University Faculty of Physics Department
of Condensed Matter Physics
V.Donchev’s homepage