Miroslav Vergilov ABRASHEV, PhD, DSc, Professor
Address: Department of Condensed Matter Physics, Faculty of Physics, University of Sofia, 5 James Bourchier Blvd, 1164 Sofia, Bulgaria
e-mail: Phones: (+359 2) 81 61 816
(+359 2) 86 88 176
Year of birth and birthplace: 1963, Tutrakan,
Education: 1977-1981 High School for
Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Rousse, Bulgaria
1983-1988 Faculty
of Physics, University of Sofia,
Sofia, Bulgaria
Degrees: MS, University of Sofia, Sofia, Bulgaria, 1988
PhD, University of Sofia, Sofia,
Bulgaria, 1993
DSc, University of Sofia, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2012
MS Thesis: "Microwave microstrip disc
resonator with dielectric cover", supervisor: Prof.
D.Sc. Stefan Alexandrov
PhD Thesis: "Raman spectroscopy of HxRBa2Cu3O7-y
(R = Y, Pr, Gd)
and R2BaCuO5 (R = Y, Ho, Gd)", supervisor: Prof.
D.Sc. M.N. Iliev
DSc Thesis: “Raman spectroscopy of oxides with perovskite-like
1992 - 1994 Physicist,
Department of Condensed Matter Physics, Faculty of Physics, University of
Sofia, Sofia, Bulgaria
1994 - 1997 Assistant
Professor, Department of Condensed Matter Physics, Faculty of Physics,
University of Sofia, Sofia, Bulgaria
1997 - 2003 Senior
Assistant Professor, Department of Condensed Matter Physics, Faculty of
Physics, University of Sofia , Sofia, Bulgaria
1997 - now Head of the Laboratory of Spectroscopy of
Solids, University of Sofia
1999 - 2003 Head
of the Teaching Laboratory “Electromagnetic Phenomena”, University of Sofia
2003 - 2013 Associate
Professor, Department of Condensed Matter Physics, Faculty of Physics,
University of Sofia, Sofia, Bulgaria
2003 - 2011 Vice-Dean (Research, International cooperation,
PhD students), Faculty of Physics, University of Sofia, Sofia, Bulgaria
2003 - now
Leader of the Bulgarian team for the International Physics Olympiad
2011 - 2013 Head of the Department of Condensed Matter
Physics, Faculty of Physics, University of Sofia, Sofia, Bulgaria
2013 - now
Professor, Department of
Condensed Matter Physics and Microelectronics, Faculty of Physics, University
of Sofia, Sofia, Bulgaria
2019 - 2023 Vice-Dean (MSc
students), Faculty of Physics, University of Sofia, Sofia, Bulgaria
2023 - now
Head of the Department of
Condensed Matter Physics and Microelectronics, Faculty of Physics, University
of Sofia, Sofia, Bulgaria
Teaching experience:
Lectures and Teaching Assistantship in General Physics (Mechanics,
Molecular Physics, Electromagnetic Phenomena and Optics), Introduction in
Physics - 1, Condensed Matter Physics, Raman spectroscopy, Symmetry of the
Molecules and Crystals
Fields of scientific interests and research:
Condensed Matter Physics, Crystallography, Raman spectroscopy, phonons,
technology and crystal structure of transition metals oxides, colossal magnetoresistive manganites and related
perovskites, high-temperature superconductors and related materials, graphene,
126 published
scientific papers in journals, 2 chapters of books, 37 presentations at international conferences, 36 papers concerning
high-school education (in Bulgarian), 4100 citations, h-index = 32 (SCOPUS); Author ID (SCOPUS):56238002500,
Researcher ID (Web of Science):B-4273-2008, ORCID ID:0000-0002-2571-7863
Awards and visits:
1981 - XII International Physics
Olympiad (Varna, Bulgaria) (for high-school students) – bronze medal
1985 - National Student Physical Olympiad (Shoumen,
Bulgaria) - first place
1996 - 1997 Alexander von Humboldt
Research Fellow (18 months) (host - Prof. C. Thomsen, Institut
for Solid State Physics, Technical
University Berlin, Germany)
1998 - Visiting Scientist, Texas Center for Superconductivity at University of Houston, Houston, Texas, USA (2
months) (host - Prof. M. N. Iliev)
2000 - 2001 - Guest Researcher, Chalmers University of
Technology, Goteborg, Sweden (6 months) (host - Prof. Lars Borjesson, Condensed
Matter Physics)
2003 - now - leader of the Bulgarian team at the International Physics Olympiad (for high-school
students): 2003 XXXIV IPhO (Taipei, Taiwan), 2004 – XXXV IPhO (Pohang, Korea), 2005 – XXXVI IPhO
(Salamanka, Spain), 2006 – XXXVII IPhO (Singapore, Singapore), 2007 – XXXVIII IPhO (Isfahan, Iran), 2008 – XXXIX IPhO
(Hanoi, Vietnam), 2009 – XL IPhO
(Merida, Mexico), 2010 – XLI IPhO (Zagreb, Croatia), 2011 – XLII IPhO
(Bangkok, Thailand), 2012 – XLIII IPhO (Tallinn, Estonia), 2013 – XLIV IPhO (Kopenhagen, Denmark), 2015 – XLVI IPhO (Mumbai,
India), 2016 - XLVII IPhO
(Zurich, Switzerland), 2017 – XLVIII IPhO (Yogyakarta, Indonesia), 2018 – XLIX IPhO (Lisbon,
Portugal), 2019 – L IPhO (Tel Aviv, Israel), 2021 – LI IPhO (Vilnius,
Lithuania), 2022 – LII IPhO
(Zurich, Switzerland), 2023 – LIII IPhO (Tokyo, Japan), 2024 – LIV IPhO (Isfahan,
2004 - Guest Researcher, University
of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany (1 month) (hosts – Prof. Michael Rubhausen and Dr. Joakim Backstrom,
for Applied Physics)
2008 - Medal
of Honour “St. Kliment Ohridski”
of the University of Sofia, I degree
2013 - 2014 - Visiting Professor (12 months), Institute of Physics, UFRGS, Porto Alegre,
Brazil (host – Prof. João Edgar Schmidt)
2016 - Alexander
von Humboldt Research Fellow (3 months) (host - Prof. H. Dau, Department of Physics, Free University Berlin, Germany)
2019 - Alexander von Humboldt
Research Fellow (3 months) (host - Prof. H. Dau, Department of Physics, Free University Berlin, Germany)
Languages: English (good), Russian (very good), German (poor), Brazilian
Portuguese (poor), Bulgarian (mother language)
last revised: October 2024