[1]. Koleva, E. K., L. Krastev, E. L. Peneva, and E. V. Stanev, 1996. Verification of high resolution climatic simulations for the area of Bulgaria. Part I: The state of the climate for the period 1960-1990. Bulg. J. Meteorol. and Hydrol., volume 7, number 3-4, pp. 73-83
[2].Peneva E., E. V. Stanev, E. K. Koleva, L. Krastev, and J. V. Staneva, 1996. Verification of high resolution climatic simulations for the area of Bulgaria. Part II: Intercomparison between UKMO, HIRHAM and ARPEGE simulations and climatic data for the period 1961-1990. Bulg. J. Meteorol. and Hydrol., volume 7, number 3-4, pp. 84-102
[3]. Peneva E. and E. V. Stanev, 1999, Gravity Currents over Rough and Smooth Topography. Modeling Study of Mediterranean Outflow in the Black Sea, IOC Workshop Reports No 159, Oceanic Fronts and related Phenomena, Proceedings of Konstantin Fedorov International Memorial Symposium, 410-415
[4]. Peneva, E.L., Numerical modeling of the spreading of Mediterranean waters in the Black Sea, 1998, Marine Scientific Forum, Sciences about the sea and marine technologies, Varna 1998, volume 3, pp.223-231
[5]. Peneva, E., and E. Stanev, 1999, Use of altimeter and surface data to study the Black Sea level variability, Proceedings of the meeting of young researchers in physics, 37-39
[6]. Stanev, E. V., P.-Y. Le Traon, and E. L. Peneva, 2000, Seasonal and interannual variations of sea level and their dependency on meteorological and hydrological forcing. Analysis of altimeter and surface data for the Black Sea, J. Geoph. Res., 105, 17203-17216
[7]. Stanev, E. V, J. A. Simeonov, and E. L. Peneva, 2001, Ventilation of the pycnocline in the Black Sea by the Mediterranean Plume, J. Mar. Sys., 31, issue 1-3, 77-97
[8]. Peneva, E. L., E. Stanev, V. Belokopytov, and P.-Y. Le Traon, 2001, Water transport in the Bosporus Straits estimated from hydro- meteorologycal and altimeter data: Seasonal to decadal variability, J. Mar. Sys., 31, issue 1-3, 21-35
[9] Stanev, E.V., Peneva, E.L., Sokolova, E. S., 2001, Sea level variations in semi-enclosed seas: Analysis of altimeter, tide gauge, hydro-meteorological and hydrographic survey data for the Black Sea, Joint Assemblies of IAPSO-IABO, Mar del Plata, Argentina, 21-28 October, 2001, abstract
[10]. Stanev, E., and E. Peneva, 2002, Regional sea level response to global forcing. Black Sea examples, J. Global and Planet. Change, 32, 33-47
[11]. Stanev, E. V., J. M. Beckers, Ch. Lancelot, J. V. Staneva, P. Y. Le Traon, E. L. Peneva, and M. Gregoire, 2002, Coastal-open ocean exchange in the Black Sea: Observations and modeling. Estua. Coast and Shelf Sci., 54, 601-620.
[12]. Stanev, E.V., Bowman, M.J., Peneva E.L., Staneva, J.V., 2003, Control of Black Sea intermediate water mass formation by dynamics and topography: comparisons of numerical simulations, survey and satellite data, Journal of Marine Research, Vol. 61, Number 1, 59-99
[13]. Stanev, E.V., Bowman, M.J., Peneva E.L., Staneva, J.V., 2003, Topographically controlled ventilation of the Black Sea cold intermediate layer, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 5, 2003, EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, ISSN 1029-7006
[14]. Peneva, E., Stanev, E.V., 2003, Aral Sea regional climate changes: Analysis of model and observational data for the period 1961-1990, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 5, 2003, EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, ISSN 1029-7006
[15]. Peneva, E.L., Stips, A.K., Bolding, K., Stanev, E.V., 2003, Black Sea – Azov Sea numerical model: Analysis of climatic and mesoscale circulation based on GETM, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 5, 2003, EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, ISSN 1029-7006
[16]. Peneva, E.L., Stanev, E.V., 2003, Analysis of regional climate model performance for the Aral Sea area. Comparison with observations, abstract for IUGG2003, Sapporo, Japan, June 30-July 11, 2003
[17]. Peneva, E.L., Stanev, E.V., 2003, The evolution of the Aral Sea level estimated from altimeter, gauge and hydro-meteorological data, abstract for IUGG2003, Sapporo, Japan, June 30-July 11,
[18]. Peneva, E.L., Stips, A.K., Bolding, K., Stanev, E.V., 2003, Towards modelling of the Black Sea - Azov Sea coupled system, abstract for IUGG2003, Sapporo, Japan, June 30-July 11
[19]. Peneva, E.L., Stips, A.K., Bolding, K., Stanev, E.V., 2003, Modelling the Physical Properties of the Black Sea-Azov Sea interconnected basins. Scientific and policy challenges towards an effective management of the marine environment, 12-18 October 2003, Albena, Bulgaria, p. 296
[20]. Peneva, E.L., Stanev, E.V., Stanychni, S.V., Salokhiddinov, A., and G. Stulina, 2004, The recent evolution of the Aral Sea level and water properties: analysis of satellite, gauge and hydrometeorological data, J. Mar. Sys., 47, 11-24.
[21]. Stanev, E.V., E. L. Peneva, and F. Mercier, 2004, Temporal and spatial patterns of sea level in inland basins: Recent events in the Aral Sea, Geophys. Res. Let., vol. 31, L15505, doi:10.1029/2004GL020478
[22]. Peneva, E. L., and A. K. Stips, 2005, Numerical simulations of Black Sea and adjoined Azov Sea, forced with climatological and meteorological reanalysis data, Technical report, EUR21504EN, European Commission, Ispra.
[23]. Stips, A. K., K. Bolding, H. Burchard, S. Djavidnia, and E. Peneva, 2005, Realistic multiannual simulations of the coupled North Sea and Baltic Sea system using the GETM model. Technical report, EUR21503EN, European Commission, Ispra
[24]. Djavidnia, S., J.-N. Druon, W. Schrimpf, A. Stips, E. Peneva, S. Dobricic, P. Vogt, 2005, Oxygen depletion risk indices OXYRISK and PSA V2.0; New developments, structure and software content, Technical report, EUR21509EN, European Commission, Ispra.
[25]. Tsimplis, M., V. Zervakis, S. Josey, E. Peneva, M.V. Struglia, E. Stanev, P. Lionello, P. Malanotte-Rizzoli, V. Artale, A. Theocharis, E. Tragou, and T. Oguz, 2006, Changes in the Oceanography of the Mediterranean Sea and their Link to Climate Variability. In Lionelo et al., eds Mediterranean Climate Variability, Elsevier, 217-272
[26]. Bozhkova M. and E. Peneva, 2007, Freezings Observed on Bulgarian Black Sea Coast in 20th Century, in Proceedings of the International Conference on Global Change and Problems, 20-22 April, Sofia, Bulgaria
[27]. Peneva E. and N. Rachev, 2007, Interannual and interdecadal variations of temperature and precipitation in Bulgaria estimated from high-resolution climate data sets, abstract for IUGG2007, 2-13 July, Perugia, Italy
[28]. Peneva, E., 2007, Model simulations of summer and winter precipitation over Bulgaria using REGCM3, abstract for IUGG2007, 2-13 July, Perugia, Italy