Name: Elissaveta Lazarova PENEVA

Nationality: Bulgarian.

Date and place of birth: 24 March 1972, Sofia, Bulgaria.

1986-1990, student in the Highschool on Mathematics and Informatics, Sofia, profile physics
1990-1996, student in the University of Sofia, Sofia, Bulgaria, speciality meteorology
1997-2000, Ph.D. student in the University of Sofia, Bulgaria, topic physical oceanography
2000-2001, physisist in the Dept. of Meteorology and Geophysics, Univeristy of Sofia, Bulgaria
2001-2002, assistant prof. in the Dept. of Meteorology and Geophysics, Univeristy of Sofia, Bulgaria
2002-2004, axilliary agent in EC Joint Research Centre, Ispra, Italy
2004-present, assistant prof. in the Dept. of Meteorology and Geophysics, Univeristy of Sofia, Bulgaria, teaching in Physics of Climate, Physical Oceanography

Completed degrees:
M. Sci., 1996, Thesis in Physics/Meteorology, University of Sofia, entitled "Verification of Regional Climate Models for the area of Bulgaria".
Ph. D. , 2001, Thesis in Physical Oceanography, entitled "Variability of Black Sea free surface, circulation and exchange with Mediterranean Sea through Bosphorus Straits".

Office address:
Department of Meteorology and Geophysics
Faculty of Physics, University of Sofia
5 James Bourchier Street, 1126 Sofia, Bulgaria
Phone: +359 2 81 61 289
Fax: +359 2 962 52 76

Bulgarian (mother tongue), English (excellent), Italian (very good), Russian (very good), French (good), Spanish (poor)

Memberships in Scientific Societies:
Bulgarian Physical Society

Area of interest:
numerical modeling of ocean and atmosphere processes, air-sea interaction, coupled air-sea models, gravity plumes in stratified oceans
