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Master programme

Nuclear technologies, management and innovations

About the "Nuclear Technologies, Management and Innovations" program

The program is a joint initiative of the Faculty of Economics and the Faculty of Physics of SU „St. Kliment Ohridski“ and is part of the International Nuclear Management Academy (INMA) of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). INMA member programs are aimed at current and future managers working in the nuclear power sector as well as for non-power nuclear applications. INMA is part of the nuclear knowledge management activities of the IAEA Department of Nuclear Energy. More about INMA programs you can find HERE

The training is conducted entirely in English. No document is required at the admission, but an objectively necessary condition for applying and successfully studying at the MP „Nuclear Technologies, Management and Innovations“ is fluency in English (minimum level B2 according to the European Language Framework).

The Master’s program „Nuclear Technologies, Management and Innovations with English Language Teaching“ is intended for candidates from any major who have an Bachelor degree or Master’s degree, being most suitable for graduates of majors and programs in economics, management and/ or engineering majors. The Master’s program aims to prepare highly qualified specialists who implement modern management methods and tools with a specific focus on the nuclear industry and its supporting businesses. These include micro- and macro-diagnostics of the environment, industrial analysis, functional analysis of the organization, strategies for the organization and management of human resources, business strategies, resource and functional strategies, international strategies, etc. Educational goals of this magnitude are being set for the first time. Their essence lies in the training of personnel who know how to think interdisciplinary and apply combined approaches in their work:

  • To acquire knowledge, skills and critically analyze the legal instruments that define nuclear policy
  • To have in-depth knowledge of analysis of existing technologies and their evolution by proposing and implementing    appropriate measures for improvements.          
  • To understand and successfully implement the standards of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and its supporting documents for the national spesificites.
  • To acquire ability to apply theoretical methods in practice and to analyze various risks in the implementation process. To discuss the important features of contemporary assessment practices and implementing            measures related to nuclear safety, radiation and physical protection.           
  • To conduct follow-up training activities for specialists by developing procedures in the field of nuclear technology and capabilities to build relationships between those affected areas and to conduct training on relevant specialists in the application them.