D.Sc., Ph.D.
Physics Department
5 James Bourchier Str
1164 Sofia, Bulgaria
( +3592) 8161 741
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electron dynamics, time-dependent quantum Monte Carlo:
1. I.
P. Christov, "Correlated non-perturbative electron dynamics with quantum
trajectories," Opt. Express 14, 6906 (2006).
I. P. Christov, "Quantum
trajectory perspective of atom-field interaction in attosecond time
scale", Appl. Phys. B 85, 503
I. P. Christov, “Time dependent quantum Monte Carlo:
preparation of the ground state”, New J.
Phys. 9, 70, (2007).
I. P. Christov, “Time dependent quantum Monte Carlo and
the stochastic quantization”, J. Chem. Phys.,
127, 134110 (2007).
I. P. Christov, “Dynamic correlations with
time-dependent quantum
I. P. Christov, “Molecular dynamics with
time-dependent quantum Monte-Carlo”, J.
Chem. Phys. 129, 214107 (2008).
7. I.
P. Christov, “Polynomial-Time-Scaling
Quantum Dynamics with Time-Dependent Quantum Monte Carlo”, J. Phys. Chem. A 113, 6016
8. I.
P. Christov, “Correlated
electron dynamics with time-dependent quantum Monte Carlo: three-dimensional
helium”, J. Chem. Phys. 135, 044120 (2011); 135, 149902 (2011).
9. I. P. Christov, “Exploring quantum non-locality with de Broglie-Bohm
trajectories”, J. Chem. Phys. 136, 034116
10. I. P. Christov, “Electron-pair densities with time-dependent quantum
Monte Carlo”, Journal of Atomic and
Molecular Physics, vol.2013, Article ID 424570 (2013);
11. I. P. Christov, “Double-slit
interference with charged particles: density matrices and decoherence from
time-dependent quantum Monte Carlo”, Phys.
Scr. 91, 015402 (2015); arXiv:1505.03746 [quant-ph](2015).
12. I. P. Christov, “Quantum dynamics at finite temperature:
Time-dependent quantum Monte Carlo study”, Ann. Phys. 371, 368 (2016).
13. I. P. Christov, “Particle-wave dichotomy in quantum Monte Carlo:
unlocking the quantum correlations”, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 34, 1817 (2017).
14. I. P. Christov, “Time dependent spatial entanglement in atom-field interaction”, Phys. Scr. 94, 045401 (2019);[quant-ph](2018).
15. I. P. Christov, “Phase-locking mechanism in non-sequential double
ionization”, Appl.
Phys. B 125, 1 (2019).
16. I. P. Christov, “Spatial Non-locality in Confined Quantum Systems: A
Liaison with Quantum Correlations”, Few-Body Syst. 61, 45 (2020);
17. I. P. Christov, “Spatial Entanglement of
Fermions in One-Dimensional Quantum Dots”, Entropy 23, 868 (2021).
18. I. P. Christov, “Effects of Spatial
Nonlocality versus Nonlocal Causality for Bound Electrons in External Fields”,
Entropy 24, 840 (2022).
19. I. P. Christov, “Local Entanglement of Electrons in 1D Hydrogen Molecule”, Entropy 25, 1308 (2023).